As an academic health centre, Hospital UiTM (HUiTM) will be a home for accessible health services, the hub of medical learning activities, the centre for career development and the nucleus for ground-breaking research and innovation. HUiTM will be the nationwide and international health care destination for patients and graduates in medicines. Health professionals, scientists, researchers and supporting staff work together to provide bench-to-bedside treatment, pursue innovative research and make advanced, customised treatments right here in HUITM. Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA is committing to growing together with other professionals and supporting staff in the Faculty of Medicine to develop an excellent teaching centre HUiTM.

At the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, we train future mental health professionals to provide comprehensive patient-centred care, advanced in research and innovation. The students and Department stay up-to-date on the newest treatments and methods, getting the hands-on experience that will help patients for years to come. Through the future Psychiatry and Mental Health Services, we will continue teaching the future psychiatrists, doctors and psychologists.

This proposal for the development of Psychiatry and Mental Health Services, HUiTM, is in accordance with:
·    Mental Health Act 2001, Ministry of Health
·    Mental Health Regulation 2010, Ministry of Health
·    Psychiatric and Mental Health Services Operational Policy, Ministry of Health
·    Accreditation Criteria by Psychiatry Specialised Committee


  • Providing accessible, comprehensive and high-quality mental health services for patients in every walk of life
  • Inspiring future mental health professionals with excellent performance in academic, clinical work, research and innovation
  • Providing services as a mental health professional with a caring attitude and ethical manner as a team.


  • Leading the community where all can live happily with optimum quality of life and function in a productive manner
  • Nourishing future health professionals to be inclusive and holistic in providing services to people with mental illness
  • Inspiring others with warmth, positive vibes and a caring attitude


  • To provide a centre for training and academic activities for postgraduate and undergraduate students in
  • To provide comprehensive biopsychosocial and spiritual intervention and empower the psychological skills of people with mental health problems.
  • To enhance academic and research activities while delivering accessible mental health and psychiatric services.

Contact Us

Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah,
Universiti Teknologi MARA,
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,

Operation Hour

Monday - Friday : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm