This isNephrologyDepartment
The nephrology unit was established in September 2015. We offer various services including a nephrology clinic, haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis services.
The team consists of very friendly doctors and nurses. We will be happy to assist you in any queries that you may have.
We are located on the second floor of the hospital and are open from 8 am to 5 pm every Monday to Friday.
Our services include a clean and modern haemodialysis facility and peritoneal dialysis facility. We also have a treatment room to perform minor procedures.
The nephrology clinic is open every Tuesday from 8 am to 1 pm.
The unit has two nephrologists on site. It also has a nephrology trainee currently undergoing training in UMMC and returns back twice a week. There is also have a medical officer attached to the unit at all times. There are currently 5 nurses. 2 nurses have post basic renal certificate whilst another is completing it in Johor. The other 2 nurses are also trained in CRRT. We also have a PD nurse who completed 3 months of PD training in Seremban under Dr Lily.