Program Sanggar Kerja 2022
Date: 18th January 2023
Venue: Hotel Royal Chulan Damansara


The 'Program Sanggar Kerja 2022' is a hospital-wide management initiative at Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah for the year 2022. Directed by the hospital's Director, it involved the attendance of key personnel including the Deputy Clinical Director, Deputy Director of Management, Deputy Director of Finance, Heads of Departments/Units/Service Centers, and representatives from various departments/units/service centers.

This program's primary responsibility was to assess the effectiveness of the quality management system's implementation. It aimed to provide corrective, preventive, and additional measures based on community review inputs, such as the attainment of Main Performance Guidelines, analysis of patient/staff complaints, reviews of patient/staff satisfaction, achievement of the hospital's main strategic objectives, improvement initiatives, and more.

This annual program was initiated by the Department of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, signifying its role as a crucial control point for the initiative.



Contact Us

Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah,
Universiti Teknologi MARA,
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,

Operation Hour

Monday - Friday : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm